How to connect mpk mini to fl studio
How to connect mpk mini to fl studio

how to connect mpk mini to fl studio

Still though, if you plan on playing full sets and want reliability, the Red Shots are the way to go. The head zone picks up a wide dynamic range, and the trigger looks great. Also, like the Roland, it can misfire sometimes, though not very often. I actually think this is the result of not making a good connection to the hoop. The rim sensitivity is very low as well, causing you to have to really whack the rim to get the second zone, even if I had my rim sensitivity cranked all the way up on my module, this was still the case. But on triple flange, it will tighten just enough to hold it, but not enough to make a great tight grip. If you have die cast hoops, it’s probably fine. It’s far sturdier than the Roland and costs half as much, but the main problem is drum key tightening screw isn’t quite long enough to really tighten it down securely on your hoop. The 2box Triggit could be near perfect if they just fixed a couple things. Neither are perfect and neither trigger as well as the Red Shots, but they’re dual zone and work decently well.

how to connect mpk mini to fl studio how to connect mpk mini to fl studio

If you absolutely MUST have a dual zone trigger on your snare, the only two worth considering in my opinion are the Roland HT30RT, and the 2Box Triggit. Other brands clamp to the rim of the drum with varied results. This guarantees a secure connection with the drum head. I’m almost sure the thing that makes Red Shots work so well is the fact that they are secured to the drum by the actual tension lug. Other external triggers operate on about 90%-95% accuracy depending on the trigger. Redshots react correctly, and accurately nearly 100% of the time, probably somewhere in the realm of 99.9%. Nothing drives me more crazy, ruins a recording or performance more than a trigger that is not reacting to what you are playing correctly. To me this is a small price to pay for being able to play without ever getting a mistrigger. Unfortunately Red Shots are only single zone triggers, so that means using one on your snare will give you no rim zone. I’ll go over that further down this post. There is not a single company on the market that makes a perfect external Kick trigger that I have tried, but there is a solution.

how to connect mpk mini to fl studio

I had decent luck with it on a tiny 14″ Club Jam Flyer kick, but nothing else. The Red Shot kick drum trigger is very hit or miss and doesn’t work so well depending on the module and size kick you’re using it on. It may seem hard to believe, but this simple $20 trigger from ddrum beats out every single other trigger I have tried! This includes Yamaha, Roland, Pintech, Drum Dial, 2box, and even the ddrum pro triggers! I’ve tried literally every brand out there making external triggers at this point and the Redshots kill them all! HOWEVER….

How to connect mpk mini to fl studio